About Prof. Emeritus W. Scott Thompson

W. Scott Thompson, a member of both Ford and Reagan Administrations, has been Adjunct Professor of International Politics at Georgetown University and on the faculty of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He also is president of Strategic Research Associates, an international consulting firm, dealing today with issues of corruption, and Chairman of the Board of UTICo, a Massachusetts company specializing in repatriation of laundered and stolen funds to clients, including banks, investors, corporations, and governments.

A graduate of Stanford and Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar from California, Prof. Thompson has regularly lectured on defense, Third World, corruption and communication issues, before various forums including international conferences. He is the author and editor of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and governance.

In 1982-1984 he served the Reagan Administration as Associate Director, US Information Agency and in 1975-1976 was Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. He has lectured or debated at every Ivy League University, and made numerous and popular presentations to executive business group and trade association here and abroad. He appeared frequently on TV and radio news analyses and programs and is the recipient of numerous scholarly awards. He has been consultant to the State and Defense Departments, and to the US Navy. In 1975-1976 he was a White House Fellow. Recently he has lectured on ‘How to Get Rid of Corruption—Nationally and Internationally,” Inside the Reagan Administration”, “ The World Balance of Power” and “Communication and Foreign Policy”. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and International Institute for Strategic Studies and numerous other organizations, as cited more in detail below.

Among the most spectacular consulting projects, Dr. Thompson has advised two Filipino presidents, its National Security Council, and four Filipino cabinet members, on the matter of searching for and repatriating funds stolen during the Marcos dictatorship. He has similarly advised the Philippine Commission on Good Government (PCGG), ACt #1 of the ‘People’s Power’ Constitution of 1987, whose sole function is said wealth repatriation. He has similarly consulted with the Thai foreign minister and the previous prime minister on this, as he has the Attorney General of Indonesia and specialized agencies of the Indonesian government established to seek illegally obtained moneys and properties.

A detailed resume follows.

Born: 1 January 1942, Providence, Rhode Island
1967D.Phil, Balliol College, Oxford University, Politics
1963BA, Stanford University, Honors in History and Humanities, Graduated with Great Distinction
1959Phillips Academy, Andover

Current Positions of Prof. Thompson:
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Adjunct Professor 1 January 2002- and Visiting Professor at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City Philippines
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 1967 –
Senior International Advisor, Ruder & Finn, Public Relation Firm, New York and Washington
Chairman of the Board, Washington International Studies Council;
Resource Specialist, “The Executive Committee”, Jacksonville, Florida, (Specializing in servicing CEO’s of family-held corporations); YPO;
Special Consultant, Center for Strategic Studies, Manila and adviser to the Director, National Security Council, Republic of the Philippines, 1992-
Chairman of the Board, Universal Trading & Investment Co., Inc., a Massachusetts corporation;
Chairman of the Board, Honesty International Foundation, a New York foundation.

Senior consultant to Law Offices Lambert and Associate,
Washington, D.C.

Previous Positions:
United States Institute of Peace, Board of Directors 1986-1993; (Presidential appointment, advice and consent of Senate February 1986 and October 1988; Chairman, Research and Studies Committee 1989.
1982-1984Associate Director, United States Information Agency, (Presidential appointment, Senate confirmation September 1982)
1989-1990Resident Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C., Fulbright Professor, Manila Philippines
1981-1982Senior Fellow in Political-Military Affair, Center for Strategic & International Studies, Washington DC
1981-1985Adjunct Professor of International Politics, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
1979-1980Research Fellow, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
1975-1976Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and White House Fellow
1972-1988Consultant, A.I.D., RAND Corporation, US Navy, Pan-Heuristics-RDA, OP 95. US Navy
1970Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand
1969-70Visiting Professor, University of the Philippines, Quezon City Philippines

Fellowship and Honors:
1989Fulbright Professorship, Philippines
1975-1976White House Fellowship
1971SEATO Fellowship, Bangkok
1969American Philosophical Society Fellowship
1964-1967Danforth Fellowship, Oxford University
1963-1967Rhodes Scholarship, Balliol College, Oxford University
1963Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, Honorary
1963Phi Beta Kappa

Political Activity:
Vice Chairman, American for an Effective Presidency, (PAC established in 1980, raised $5 Million towards presidential elections

Editorial Board:
1980-Member, Editorial Board, Conflict
1984-1986Member, Editorial Board, Washington Quarterly
1972-1982Member, Editorial Board, ORBIS
1970-1980Member, Editorial Board, Sage Yearbook in Comparative Foreign Policy

Professional Association:
1976-Council on Foreign Relations, New York
1971International Institute for Strategic Studies, London
1976-1991Committee on Present Danger, Founding Member, Board of Directors, Washington DC
1984-Washington International Studies Center, Chairman of the Board, Washington DC
1997- Chairman, FBIC (Free Burma Institutional Committee)

Social Activity
Metropolitan Club, Washington
The Country Club, Massachusetts